5분 GMP

GxP에 'Data Integrity'를 해결하기 위한 첫걸음 '5분 GMP' 입니다. by TCP

GxP에 'Data Integrity'를 해결하기 위한 첫걸음 '5분 GMP' 입니다. by TCP

5분 GMP

Data Integrity - 추천 서적

DI Solution 2023. 11. 30. 22:50


Data Integrity in Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Regulation Operations




저자 주요 이력


Orlando is a senior innovation professional providing scientific leadership and strategic vision to designing, implementing, and nurturing a national research agenda to accelerate translation of cutting-edge scientific and technical innovations to human use.


• Creating inclusive patient-centered innovation programs that guide preclinical developments to scalable commercialization and user adoption.

• Nurturing talent development, academic and industry innovators & entrepreneurs.

• Building global, inclusive, coalitions and active partnerships with leaders from academia, government and private


sectors to advance strategic goals and streamline new innovations to commercialization • Advancing technology incubation through portfolio of R&D programs and funding initiatives supporting new innovation in cutting-edge technologies • Leading contributions to professional working groups and industry standards development committees: NIH Data Science and Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group, DoD’s Working Group on Computational Modeling, IEEE 2933 Standard on Clinical IoT Interoperability with TIPPSS, IEEE Healthcare Blockchain and AI, DMV Chapter of Blockchain in Healthcare Today, ASME Biomedical Engineering Technical Committee, American Dental Association (ADA) Standards on Dental Products, American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) Blockchain and AI Working Groups.


• Mentor, advisor, presenter, author, fluent in English & Spanish SPECIALTY AREAS

Leading the Translation of New Technologies: Lab-to-Human & Lab-to-Market Strategies - FDA Product Approval Process and Strategy - Pre-Seed Funding: Small Business and Academic Grants, Initiative Development - Leading Coalitions & Strategic Partnerships Operations & Strategic Planning:

- Program, Project & Product Management - Quality Systems & Consensus Standards - Risk Assessment

- Business Acumen & Tech Transfer

- Valuation and Due Diligence


R&D | Technology Innovation | FDA Strategy - Data Science, Blockchain AI ML

- Computational Modeling & Simulation - Preclinical and Clinical Performance Testing - Quality System Regulations | GMP'S | ISO's - Human Factors and Usability Engineering - Dental Materials and Biomaterials - Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Devices | Biosensors - Digital Dentistry & Health | Mobile App Devices | IoT | Robotics - Monitoring, Diagnostic and Treatment Devices - Implantables | Drug Delivery | Nanotechnology - Tissue Eng and Reg Medicine | Biofabrication - Medical Imaging Modalities & Technologies


내용 구성


3. Electronic Records Life Cycle

- Creation

- Access, Use, and Reuse

- Migration

- Transformation

- Physical Deletion

- E-Records and Computer System Life Cycles

4. Electronic Records Related Definitions

5. Electronic Records Handling : 21 CFR Part 211

6. Electronic Records Handling : EMA Annex 11

7. Relevant Worldwide GMP Regulations and Guidelines

8. Trustworthy Computer Systems

9. MHRA Guidance

10.Electronic Records Governance

11.Procedural Controls for Handling E-Records

12.Electronic Record Controls : Supporting Processes

13.Electronic Records Controls : Records Retatined by Computer Storage

14.Electronic Record Controls : During Processing

15.Electronic Record Controls : While in Transit

16.Electronic Records and Contrcact Manufacturers

17.Electronic Records and Cloud Computing


19.Electronic Records Remediation Project


Appendix 1 : Glossary of Terms

Appendix 2 : Abbreviations and/or Acronyms

Appendix 3 : Regulatory Cross Match

Appendix 4. MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry March 2015

Appendix 5. Relevant Worldwide GCP and GLP Regulations and Guidelines

Appendix 6. Electronic Records Integrity in Non-Clinical Laboratories

Appendix 7. Electronic Records Integrity in Clinical Systems

Appendix 8. Electronic Records Integrity in Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Appendix 9. Checklist E-Records Integrity

Appendix 10. Bibliography



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